Project Management


“Apart from your creativity and seeing things from a fresh perspective, your partnering is remarkable. You really do think out loud with me about what might be an effective approach…”

— Feedback given to Sarah


Even the best ideas can fail without proper project support and follow-through.

With over 4 years experience managing projects of varying complexity and variety, Sarah is skilled and agile in overseeing, supporting, and leading projects from start to finish. She approaches projects from a model of partnership and sees those projects through, using outstanding communication and a mindset of continuous improvement.

  • Quality

    Sarah works to ensure projects, programs, and deliverables meet or exceed quality expectations. She does this by continually honing program components, and her own skills and working with team members to support them in achieving project requirements.

  • Teamwork

    Team collaboration is paramount to successful project delivery. Sarah puts the team first when approaching a project.

  • Scope

    Projects start with thorough scoping of anticipated needs and project components. Sarah helps maintain the project scope by consistently communicating—listening, asking questions, collaborating to work through options—with the team during the project.

  • Cost

    Sarah uses the scoping and components included in the project to identify and manage costs throughout the lifetime of the project.

  • Timeline

    After a project has been properly scoped, Sarah puts together a project timeline, identifying key dates and milestones, as well as risks to meeting milestones.

As a project manager specializing in custom programs, Sarah has managed multiple, complex client accounts totaling more than $1 million in annual revenue.


Sarah supports projects of varying type—a testament to Sarah’s flexibility and adaptability on a team. She has project managed for creative projects and teams, overseeing the production of marketing materials, technical write-ups, podcasts, and production of online and digital courses.

Different projects and teams have distinct demands. Sarah has managed the logistics, scope, execution, costs, and more to ensure quality and timeline needs are met—whether it is a week-long sprint or a regularly-occurring, ongoing project.


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